PASS 2010 Photowalk!

PASS 2009 PhotoWalk-33

That’s right it’s time again for a PASS Summit which means it’s time for a Photowalk!   All the details you need to know are listed below.  This is also getting posted on the SqlPASS site and will be mentioning it on twitter.

PASS 2010 Photowalk!

We are pleased to inform you about the PASS 2010 Photowalk. For those that have never been on a Photowalk or understand how they operate here is what you need to know.

The only rule we have is that you must have a camera. This can be as elaborate as a DSLR or as simple as a camera phone. Any experience level is welcome as long as you have some sort of camera.

Photowalking was designed to socialize with other photographers so you can see the many different ways people see the world around you. It is common to ask other photographers how they are setting up or why they are choosing that location during Photowalks. This helps us to socialize and improve our photography skills. The goal will be to make friends that we can socialize with later in the week at the PASS Summit. We have created a loose based schedule and route. You are welcome to follow with us or set out on your own. If you have other commitments or needs please feel free to leave the group and head back anytime.

Route info

The photowalk will take place Monday November 8th 2010. For those early risers out there that like Breakfast a group led by Tim Ford (Blog | Twitter) will be leaving from the Sheraton Hotel Lobby at 8:00 to head down to Le Panier a bakery/breakfast location in pikes place. After breakfast they will be heading back up to 3rd and Pike Street where they will pick up the #26 bus to Gas works Park.

Google Map to Gas works via #26 Bus:

If you’re not into Breakfast early in the morning you can meet Pat Wright (Blog |Twitter) in the Sheraton lobby at 9:00 so we can head down to 3rd and pike to meet up with the other group and catch the bus. The bus will cost 2.25$ One way. You may be able to get a bus Transfer just in case planning on spending $4.50 for total bus fare. We plan to stay at Gas works for at least an hour. We will then head up towards the Seattle Troll (link) and Freemont Street.

Google Map to Breakfast Location:

The bus leaves at 9:15. If you miss the bus or want to join up with us at a later time please feel free. We will use the hash tag #passphotowalk so you can track the progress of the group on twitter. Pictures from the photowalk can be uploaded to Flickr through the PASS Photowalking group or you can also tag the photos with SqlPASS.

Here is the location to the pics for last year’s walk.

If you have any Questions feel free to contact

Hope to see you there!

10 thoughts on “PASS 2010 Photowalk!

    1. Your welcome to join up with the group later on. We will not be hard to find. 🙂 No telling how long the walk will go either I wouldn’t be shocked if there’s still a group hanging out around lunch time.

  1. I won’t be landing until noon on Monday so just wondering if there will be any group going in the afternoon?

    1. I have a feeling we will be out for quite some time so watch the #photowalk tag on twitter and we can let you know where we are. Not sure there will be a second group heading out or not. Hope to see you there. Thanks

  2. I’d also love to do this, but my flight doesn’t get in until 1 PM. Any way to locate the group without Twitter access? I’m the one guy in I.T. without a smartphone…

    1. Sure I will email you my cell number and you can give me a call to find out where we are. I have your email here in the comment. 🙂

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